Every day is training day...

After speaking to our new class of interns this morning, I broke in a new pair of cleats out on the high school field tonight. I hope the cleats will help solve some of the problems I've been having. Realistically, it won't make my plantar fasciitis go away, but if my feet can feel less like mashed potatoes, I'd be grateful. I'm scared of the giant shots.

USA teammate Okiima Pickett tweeted the other day that her arms are all bruised, and after yesterday's practice, the usual suspects are back for me too. Thankfully, my work functions requiring no sleeves are over for awhile. Coach S came to practice Wednesday night after being married earlier in the day. I know I won't be married during football season because those photos would require serious Photoshop or a longsleeved dress. No chance.

Not sure I can say that I won't get married in football season at all, because there's not much time off in my future. That's ok, though...

As I was finishing up my cooldown tonight, two women and two little girls were walking back to their car. I saw one of the girls finish her walk mimicking my drumline stretch. Couldn't help but smile at the ending.


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