At our doorstep: Girls Football
In the past week, my emotions have gone from over the moon, to overwhelmed with fury. The week started with the national news carrying Pinckney , Mich., senior Brianna Amat who was named homecoming queen at halftime and who, at game's end, kicked her team's winning field goal. Usually, I'm less than thrilled with journalists focusing on homecoming queens who happen to play football. It seemed, around 15 years ago, that the girls all either were kickers or they set an example unreachable for most other girls who might hear the story and be interested. After all, many more girls can play football than ever could be nominated homecoming queen. Still, as a girl who had the chance to play high school football, I looked for any story about another girl who shared my interest. In those days, there were few. In a Barbie world, Amat was honored by her classmates in her No. 12 jersey. I am willing to wager $100 that in ten years, she'll be more thrilled about how she helped he...